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Don’t miss the real stories behind your favourite fruits and veggies

‘Avocado Anxiety’, penned by Louise Gray, talks about food and its impact on the planet

Published 03.05.23, 09:13 AM
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In this age of synthetic food, do you take a moment to stop and ponder where your fruits and veggies come from? In a bid to make one understand the complex food chain we are all part of, author Louise Gray tries to tackle several health and the environmental issues and discover the impact of growing fruits and vegetables in her book Avocado Anxiety and Other Stories About Where Your Food Comes From. Published by Bloomsbury Publishing, each chapter in the book throws light on a particular ingredient and how it reaches your plate from the farms. Gray interviews people, visits several farms and even tries to grow food on her own. This book gives you an interesting behind-the-scenes tour and makes you wonder what actually goes inside your stomach.

Subhadrika Sen