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Step aside Dimer Devil, it’s time to whip up Spicy Heavy Cream Eggs!

Digital creator Nadia Aidi promises a magical experience for your taste buds with this recipe

Published 08.01.24, 09:26 AM
Image courtesy: @foodmymuse/Instagram

A sunny-side-up egg is a comfort food for every mood. However, in this delectable recipe, Nadia initiates a culinary journey by infusing heavy cream and chilli crisp in a hot pan, letting them blend into a flavourful dish. As the concoction simmers for a minute, she introduces the eggs, covering the pan to let the whites set in a perfect harmony of textures. The finishing touch involves a generous sprinkling of chilli crisp and chives — all set to tantalise your taste buds.

What sets this recipe apart is the magic that happens when eggs meet heavy cream. As Nadia aptly puts it, “Something freaking magical happens when you fry eggs in heavy cream…it caramelises and the results are sublime, especially with a bit of salsa macha or chilli crisp!”

— Urvashi Bhattacharya

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