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Make ‘Wafer pe Anda’ with just three ingredients — Parsi style!

An egg recipe that you can have for breakfast, lunch and dinner just like actress Nauheed Cyrusi

Published 18.03.24, 09:29 AM
Image courtesy: nauheedc/Instagram

Think you’ve mastered all the ways to cook eggs? Think again! We’ve got a recipe from  Nauheed Cyrusi’s Instagram that might surprise you. With just two additional ingredients alongside your eggs, you can whip up something deliciously unique. No oil needed — just a non-stick pan and some water. Take a handful of crispy potato chips and create a bed on the pan, add little water, before cracking your eggs into it. Add a green chilli, slit in the middle and add salt to taste. Cover it with a lid till it’s cooked. Want your egg yolks fully cooked? Give them a quick flip.  And your ‘eggs on wafers’ are ready to eat. Check out the reel from Nauheed and bookmark this recipe for later use. She called it ‘Wafer pe Anda’, but you can add your spin to it and make the recipe your own.

— Debrup Chaudhuri

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